Monday, August 14, 2006

NTRA Calendar Download

Maybe everyone is still marveling at The Tin Man's performance this week-end but I have collected my winnings and am moving on!

The NTRA site has a really nice feature, especially for those of us religous users of Outlook calendars (the download is available for other calendar software as well but as for me Outlook is one of the best Microsoft programs going). Anyway, it is a Graded Stakes and TV calendar. It is an easy download and I am very used to viewing multiple calendars in Outlook and I find this is a really convenient way to keep up with what is being run and where at a glance.


John said...

If the TBA ever creates an award for excellence in public service, I will make sure you are nominated. The calendar is great.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Joe! It really is an easy download. Ditto the nomination for TBA public service.

Joe Danaher said...

Thanks for the nomination! I gotta say that tracey's book reviews have been helping populate my growing horse racing library and I am thinking john is the photoshop equivalent of Peb! Overall, the TBA rocks and I am just lucky to be along for the ride!

Superfecta said...

The Google Calendar is nice too -- especially for those of us in the Apple universe.